
Friendship battle 2025

We are going to extend the successful battle in 2025
and with lots of inputs from 2024 we will have some changes,
eg. the battle will be a little bit later than last year from 16th May till 15th of June 2025. 
We are going to publish the new concept in january 2025. 

Battle report 2024
Wow, what a month, what excitement!
16,790 km of SwimRun – truly magical.
On May 11th, 20 teams from 10 nations embarked on the SwimRun journey to collect kilometers for their teams, their countries, and, of course, for themselves. The numerous posted pictures showcased the fun, the adventures, and the creativity involved. Team spirit was crucial as participants motivated each other, committed to shared goals, and dealt with challenging and often colder conditions.
Additional challenges spiced things up, demanding performance, creativity, and teamwork.
You were amazing, thank you for your contributions and achievements.

Please find the final battle report for all details.
Hope to see you battling again in 2025

Michael & Andreas

The winners of our challenges are:

7th challenge
The best team of the last week

Kreuz & Quer they battled 139,9 km on average per Person and summed up to a leading total of 839,5 k ahead of Happy SwimRun Hippos and Kreuz & Quer -wet bandits

6th The Longest Individual Distance June 3-9, 2024
Eugen Klein postet 40,5 k.

5th challenge 24 Hours on Tour June 1-2, 2024
unfortunately nobody made it happen in 20024

4th challenge     The Coolest Single Outfit: May 27 - June 2, 2024
• This award went to Sacha Bergerhausen for his creative and provacating pur style

3) The longest swim
Challenge 3,
results: The Longest Swim May 20-26, 2024

The victory with incredible 10,8 k went to UK ,
to team weswimrun posted from Jan Rigby

2) The Coolest Team Picture
Team Frostbite -all year around (Sweden)

1) The strong beginning
Team Kreuz & Quer (GER)

 link for
daily update of all participants

All about our teams

Either you love the spirit of a team, the fun of SwimRun adventures or friendly rivalry to others, that doesn´t matter.
Enjoy the battle !!!

Team USA
TL: Andrew Schering
Mission: get USA SwimRunning

#weswimrun by
TL: Stefan Sponer
Mission: #weswimrun

Kebab League
TL: Arnaud de Lustrac

We’d love to encourage and motivate individuals to gather a group of friends to train together and embarque on an extraordinary journey

TL: Meri Viljanen
Mission: we want to share our passion for swimrun up here in the Northern hemisphere and try to encourage new people to enjoy this fantastic adventure in nature

Kreuz & Quer Capitals
TL: Christoph Vogt
Mission: Conquer the waves, conquer the streets – our Berlin Swimrun Team knows no bounds! Whether water or land, we never give up, always reaching our goals together!

Frostbite-Swimrun all year around


TL:  Henrik Forsell

Swimrun, always, at all times, in any conditions-just for the fun of it!

MySwimRun France

TL: Yoann Perignon

Breaking waves and defying distances, loving to share unique moments  ready to take on all challenges together.

Team Alpe Adria

TL: Antonia Winkler

One for all, all for one! Boundless SwimRun fun!

The Dutch swimrunners
TL: Daan Kooiman

Mission: connect, train, improve and win 😅

TL: Mike Alexander

Mission: to motivate, to acitivate, and to win!

Kreuz & Quer  - the wet bandits


TL: Marcel Sandow 

Mission: up from the sofa, out into the adventure together

Moravia Team


TL:  Stanislav Kahanek

Mission: Swimrun

Love SwimRun
TL: Chloe Rafferty

Mission: It’s all about having fun and spreading the swimrun love!

Smells like team spirit
Hydra Greece
TL: Lisa Papantoniou



TL: Verena Tobert
Jag gör det här för en fika!

Danube Pinguins
TL: Andrea Weiss
one team - one dream - run and swim together

Happy SwimRun Hippos
TL: Cornelia Gsenger
spread swimrun vibes and make the sport more popular in our area

Kreuz & Quer

TL: Michael Gerlach
Mission: Not less than 30 units per person !!!

Backwaterman Flyers

TL: Andreas Sachs
Let's enjoy together a lot of ambitious fun ! 

laufSinn weswimrun4fun

TL: Barbara Seidel

SwimRun for fun 

Our partners 


We at laufSinn are proud of our partner brands. All unique. Everyone is passionate about your products.
Like us – to find the best in every category for you.
get 20 % discount of recommendes shoes by 23rd of June
Code MSRChamp24


Get ready for the SwimRun season with the perfect equipment 
20 % discount till 31st of May,
code will follow directly to all athletes

M. Bolvary/


Do you need a training plan or coaching or just like a camp
join our Head Coach 

    2023 Frienship battle 

Germany - Austria

Link zum Endergebnis


Was für eine battle, was für ein Monat. 

Kaltes Wetter, kalte Seen haben es nicht leicht gemacht und die battle hat zunehmend Fahrt aufgenommen. Scheinbar hat es Spass, denn am am letzten Tag sind noch die meisten Eintraege eingegangen. 


Gratulation an alle TeilnehmerInnen, an alle Teams,  an die 2 Nationen, ein würdiger Wettkampf bringt folgendes amtliche Endergebnis. Über 6100 km wurden erbattelt. 

Gratulation an Deuschland, 

das den freundschaftlichen Wettkampf klar für sich entschieden haben. Wir dürfen aus österreichischer Sicht anmerken, dass dies kein Gastgeschenk an unsere beliebtesten Nachbarn war. 

Das deutsche Team hat (diesmal) nicht mit Glück sondern verdient und mit ihrer berüchtigten mentalen Stärke gewonnen. Es freut uns aber, dass Österreich mit Abstand die meisten Newcomer einbrachte (50 % Neueinsteiger) und diese viel Spass an SwimRun gefunden haben. 


Gratulation an Kreuz und Quer ambitious, 

die in unnachahmlicher Manier die battle von Beginn an dominiert haben und mit einem Schnitt von 255,7 eine echt starke Leistung erbracht haben. 

Gratulation an das lead Team von  LaufSinn SwimRun die fast die meisten km erreichten und das 2. Team mit einem starken Finish die Ducks noch knapp vom Stockerl stiessen. Alle 4 Teams hatten über 100 km erkämpft.  


Aus österreichischer Sicht hat Happy SwimRun Hippos die interne Wertung vor den Backwaterman flyers fuer sich entschieden, mit vielen Newcomern eine beachtliche Leistung. 


Eine Extraklasse für sich waren 

Marcel Sandow 531,5 km, und Michale Gerlach 506,5, die Jörg Fuchs auf den dritten Platz verwiesen. Mit Gerhard Schiemer schaffte ein Österreicher den 4. Platz. Denke er wird sich beim Backwaterman SwimRun revanchieren wollen. 


Zur Erinnerung: der Charity Betrag geht an Claudia Mueller mit ihrer Initiative Wie schwimmen - du hilfst 

auf ein Neues in 2024

das Veranstalterteam
Michael und Andreas